
All Reports


Financial Conditions Investigation

Financial Condition of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Agency Investigation: Financial Condition of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuses Services
Expected Date Published: March 2025

Agency Reports

Agency Reports

Report: 24-000-01
Identify all reports statutorily required to be provided to the Legislature.

Operational Assessment of the Oklahoma Ethics Commission

Operational Assessment of the Oklahoma Ethics Commission

Report: 24-296-01
Conduct an operational assessment of the Ethics Commission.

OSDE Disbursements

Oct 29, 2024

Oklahoma State Department of Education Disbursements of Funds

Report: 24-265-03
Review disbursements related to each of the five funding areas:
• Title Funds
• School Resource Officer/School Security Funds
• Maternity Leave
• Inhalers
• Pay Raises for Teachers Employed at “Off-Formula” Schools

Health Care Authority: Review of Funding Sources

Health Care Authority: Review of Funding Sources

Report: 24-807-01
Conduct a review of all funding sources available to the Health Care Authority, identifying federal match levels of programs. Review revolving fund balances and purposes.

Review of Administrative Rules Related to Testing

Jun 20, 2024

Review of Administrative Rules Related to Testing

Report: 24-265-02
Examine administrative rules related to testing.

Review of Federal Funds to Support Common Education

Jun 20, 2024

Review of Federal Funds to Support Common Education

Report: 24-265-02
Review federal grants used to support public education.

Department of Human Services Adoption and Parent Support Programs

Oklahoma Department of Human Services Adoption and Parent Support Programs

Report: #23-830-02
Examine the State’s adoption and parent support programs and related outcomes, to include the requirements for reunification of foster children with biological parents, adoption costs, and post-placement services. Examine DHS’ role in Identify funding sources and compare the cost of an adoption through the State to private adoption costs. Examine childcare assistance options available to guardians.

Budget Stress Test

Jan 18, 2024
State Finances

Budget Stress Test

Report: 23-000-02
Assist the Pew Charitable Trusts in conducting an assessment of Oklahoma’s ability to manage its budget under various economic conditions.

Workforce Readiness

Workforce Readiness

Report: #23-000-02
Identify and forecast critical jobs as well as related qualifications, assess gaps in preparedness, and identify strategies to improve career readiness.

OMES Budget Review

OMES Budget Review

Report: #23-090-02
Examine the historical budget of the agency for the past five years and present the percentage of operational funding sources, to include: revenue billed to State agencies for services, State appropriations, and one-time funds, such as federal relief funds.

Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency

Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency

Report: 23-922-01
Examine the operational framework for the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency, including its governance and accountability, total programs administered by the agency, sources of revenue, and expenditure areas.

Commissioners of the Land Office

Commissioners of the Land Office

Report: 23-410-01
Examine the type of properties maintained by the Office, its management and investment strategy, and examine past performance trends.

Central Purchasing Act Exemptions

Central Purchasing Act Exemptions

Report: #23-090-01
Conduct a review of expenditures exempt from the Central Purchasing Act and identify opportunities for better oversight and compliance with the Act’s provisions.

Absentee Voting

Absentee Voting

Report: 23-027-01
Evaluate the outcomes and accuracy of absentee voting. Review Oklahoma’s process for administering absentee voting and compare to other states’ processes.

Business Tax Modernization

Jan 30, 2023
State Finances

Business Tax Modernization

Rep: 22-000-02
Examine the competitiveness of Oklahoma’s business tax policies and the types of taxes assessed. Identify tax policy that creates both certainty for businesses and stability of revenue for states. Conduct a regional comparative analysis of other states’ tax structures and include fiscal projections of what those structures could look like if implemented in Oklahoma. Examine patterns and trends regarding taxation.

Performance and Benefits of the State-administered Health Insurance Plan

Performance and Benefits of the State-administered Health Insurance Plan

Report: 22-090-02
Map coverage and services offered by the State’s HealthChoice insurance plan. Compare benefits and costs; benchmark to private industry and neighboring states; explore cost containment strategies.

Non-appropriated Agencies with Authority Over Professional Licensing

Non-appropriated Agencies with Authority Over Professional Licensing

Report: 22-000-01
Evaluate the fiscal impact of agency fees on Oklahoma citizens, to include an assessment of historical trends. Provide projections of fees and evaluate the volatility of fees charged by non-appropriated agencies

Delivery of Mental Health Services

Delivery of Mental Health Services

Report: 22-452-02
Identify the agencies involved in the delivery of mental health services and define types of services. Identify any duplication of services across involved agencies and identify best practices for improved outcomes.

Distribution of State Funds for K-12 Public Education

Jul 1, 2022

Distribution of State Funds for K-12 Public Education

Report: 22-265-02
Map all funding sources and key expenditure categories for the K-12 Public Education system, to include programs funded through Common Education but not delivered by Common Education. Identify expenditures that are directly tied to outcomes. Identify opportunities to prioritize expenditures for the purpose of achieving specific goals.

Operational Assessment of the Department of Corrections

Operational Assessment of the Department of Corrections

Report: 22-131-02
Examine the agency’s governance structure, to include capital asset management, personnel, the agency’s offender management system, and cost per inmate. Examine current, historical, and projected prison populations as well as review historical funding levels.

Oklahoma's State Parks

Oklahoma's State Parks

Report: 22-566-01
Provide an overview of and examine the staffing levels, revenues, and overall economic feasibility of the state’s parks. Identify challenges associated with the
current operation of state parks, as well as national or regional best practices that could be implemented in Oklahoma. Identify organizational and policy options that the Legislature may consider regarding how Oklahoma operates its state park system.

Regulation of Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Industry

Regulation of Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Industry

Report: 22-268-01
Identify and describe roles of all agencies involved in the regulation of the marijuana industry. Provide an analysis of best practices for the enforcement, regulation, and integration of the industry into Oklahoma’s health care system.

Comprehensive Compensation for Oklahoma Teachers

Dec 15, 2021

Comprehensive Compensation for Oklahoma Teachers

Report: 22-256-01
Examine total compensation for public school teachers, conduct a regional comparative analysis of total compensation, identify policy trends and best practices related to teacher compensation. Provide a competitive analysis on teacher benefits and salary, adjusting for cost of living.

Oklahoma Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Service Waiver Waiting List

Oklahoma Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Service Waiver Waiting List

Report: 21-830-02
Examine expenditures, trends, and forecast projected capacity of the program.

Early Childhood Education Programs

Aug 24, 2021

Early Childhood Education Programs

Report: 21-265-02
Examine outcomes of the program and forecast long-term economic impact of state investment.

Agency Performance and Accountability Commission (APAC)

Agency Performance and Accountability Commission (APAC)

Report: 21-000-02
Perform an output analysis on the intended increased performance results stemming from APAC recommendations.

Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust

Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust

Report: 21-092-02
Examine the percentage of funds going to tobacco cessation and forecast projections on tobacco-using population trends

County Improvements for Roads & Bridges Program

County Improvements for Roads & Bridges Program

Report: 21-345-02
Complete a performance-based review of the CIRB program based on evidence of repaired or replaced county roads and bridges compared to the allocated
fiscal funding.

Higher Education Emergency Response Relief Fund Review

Apr 1, 2021

Higher Education Emergency Response Relief Fund Review

Report: 21-000-01
Ensure transparency and availability of data to analyze institutional cost share expenditures

Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Contact Tracing Program

Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Contact Tracing Program

Report: 21-340-01
Evaluate efficiency and outcomes of contact tracers related to limiting the spread of COVID.

Oklahoma's Promise Program

Feb 25, 2021

Oklahoma's Promise Program

Report: 21-605-02
Quantify the state-wide economic impact from Oklahoma’s Promise; Forecast projected costs and impact of the program over the next decade.

Coronavirus Relief Funds

Feb 25, 2021
State Finances

Coronavirus Relief Funds

Report: 21-000-01
Collect data on funds distributed by the Federal Government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; identify any gaps in information; present data trends or anomalies.

Unemployment Compensation and the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission

Feb 4, 2021
State Finances

Unemployment Compensation and the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission

Report: 21-290-01
Assess disaster readiness and process mapping to reduce cycle-time to end-user.

State Board of Equalization

Jan 13, 2021
State Finances

State Board of Equalization

Report: 21-000-01
Examine the difference between certified revenues and actual revenues; identify trends.