
General Government


Agency Reports

Agency Reports

Report: 24-000-01
Identify all reports statutorily required to be provided to the Legislature.

Operational Assessment of the Oklahoma Ethics Commission

Operational Assessment of the Oklahoma Ethics Commission

Report: 24-296-01
Conduct an operational assessment of the Ethics Commission.

Workforce Readiness

Workforce Readiness

Report: #23-000-02
Identify and forecast critical jobs as well as related qualifications, assess gaps in preparedness, and identify strategies to improve career readiness.

OMES Budget Review

OMES Budget Review

Report: #23-090-02
Examine the historical budget of the agency for the past five years and present the percentage of operational funding sources, to include: revenue billed to State agencies for services, State appropriations, and one-time funds, such as federal relief funds.

Central Purchasing Act Exemptions

Central Purchasing Act Exemptions

Report: #23-090-01
Conduct a review of expenditures exempt from the Central Purchasing Act and identify opportunities for better oversight and compliance with the Act’s provisions.

Absentee Voting

Absentee Voting

Report: 23-027-01
Evaluate the outcomes and accuracy of absentee voting. Review Oklahoma’s process for administering absentee voting and compare to other states’ processes.

Oklahoma's State Parks

Oklahoma's State Parks

Report: 22-566-01
Provide an overview of and examine the staffing levels, revenues, and overall economic feasibility of the state’s parks. Identify challenges associated with the
current operation of state parks, as well as national or regional best practices that could be implemented in Oklahoma. Identify organizational and policy options that the Legislature may consider regarding how Oklahoma operates its state park system.

Agency Performance and Accountability Commission (APAC)

Agency Performance and Accountability Commission (APAC)

Report: 21-000-02
Perform an output analysis on the intended increased performance results stemming from APAC recommendations.