
Health and Human Services


Financial Conditions Investigation

Financial Condition of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Agency Investigation: Financial Condition of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuses Services
Expected Date Published: March 2025

Health Care Authority: Review of Funding Sources

Health Care Authority: Review of Funding Sources

Report: 24-807-01
Conduct a review of all funding sources available to the Health Care Authority, identifying federal match levels of programs. Review revolving fund balances and purposes.

Department of Human Services Adoption and Parent Support Programs

Oklahoma Department of Human Services Adoption and Parent Support Programs

Report: #23-830-02
Examine the State’s adoption and parent support programs and related outcomes, to include the requirements for reunification of foster children with biological parents, adoption costs, and post-placement services. Examine DHS’ role in Identify funding sources and compare the cost of an adoption through the State to private adoption costs. Examine childcare assistance options available to guardians.

Performance and Benefits of the State-administered Health Insurance Plan

Performance and Benefits of the State-administered Health Insurance Plan

Report: 22-090-02
Map coverage and services offered by the State’s HealthChoice insurance plan. Compare benefits and costs; benchmark to private industry and neighboring states; explore cost containment strategies.

Delivery of Mental Health Services

Delivery of Mental Health Services

Report: 22-452-02
Identify the agencies involved in the delivery of mental health services and define types of services. Identify any duplication of services across involved agencies and identify best practices for improved outcomes.

Regulation of Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Industry

Regulation of Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Industry

Report: 22-268-01
Identify and describe roles of all agencies involved in the regulation of the marijuana industry. Provide an analysis of best practices for the enforcement, regulation, and integration of the industry into Oklahoma’s health care system.

Oklahoma Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Service Waiver Waiting List

Oklahoma Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Service Waiver Waiting List

Report: 21-830-02
Examine expenditures, trends, and forecast projected capacity of the program.

Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust

Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust

Report: 21-092-02
Examine the percentage of funds going to tobacco cessation and forecast projections on tobacco-using population trends

Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Contact Tracing Program

Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Contact Tracing Program

Report: 21-340-01
Evaluate efficiency and outcomes of contact tracers related to limiting the spread of COVID.