Early Childhood Education Programs

Aug 24, 2021
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Summary of Policy Considerations and Agency Recommendations

The Oklahoma State Legislature and agencies may consider the following:

Policy Considerations

  • The Legislature may consider creating a dedicated appropriations committee with a central focus on all early childhood agencies and programs.
  • The Legislature may consider restructuring Oklahoma’s early childhood education system within an existing state agency focused on enhancing the development of children’s early education. Potential agencies include the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability, the Oklahoma State Department of Education, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Additional options include building on the existing Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness or the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth under the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
  • The Legislature may consider creating an independent state agency or repurposing an existing governmental entity with the authority to create and execute a statewide strategy for improving the health, wellness, and early development of Oklahoma children.
  • The Legislature may consider amending O.S. 70 § 13-122 to add the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness to the Interagency Coordinating Council.
  • The Legislature may consider requiring the production of a comprehensive annual report about early childhood education- centric programs to include all state, federal and private resources utilized by agencies, programs, services, and targeted populations. If a comprehensive annual report is adopted, the Legislature may further consider eliminating existing reporting requirements for similar data this is currently submitted separately by agencies.
  • The Legislature may consider requiring the development of a coordinated funding strategy across all state agencies supporting early childhood education.
  • The Legislature may consider restructuring Head Start within an existing state agency focused on enhancing the development of children’s early education for better alignment of agency mission and early childhood objectives. Options include the Oklahoma State Department of Education, Oklahoma Department of Human Services and the Department of Health. Additional options include building on the existing Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness or the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth under the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
  • The Legislature may consider requiring future analysis of funding per pupil from all sources of revenue in addition to all funds expended to provide an accurate reflection of financial inflows and outflows supporting early childhood education.

Agency Recommendations

  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education should fulfill the statutory requirements provided for in O.S. 70 § 13-124 by submitting a joint funding plan for SoonerStart.
  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education should produce a comprehensive annual report on all early childhood education- centric programs and services provided, to include all revenue sources, state and community partners for delivery of services and targeted populations served.
  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education should establish a review schedule for the independent evaluation of the quality, efficacy, costs, and educational outcomes of early childhood education-centric programs and services provided. The results of any evaluations should be made publicly available.
  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education, or lead agency designate, should compile a comprehensive list of early childhood resources within the State to distribute to school districts, parents, and other stakeholders.
  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education should work to improve the quality, quantity, and transparency of data for Pre-K metrics to allow for more targeted analysis and investments.
  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education should conduct, or contract with a research institution to conduct, a performance evaluation of the State’s entire Universal Pre-K program to determine the program’s impact on academic success for students and return on investment for the State.
  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education should develop an intake questionnaire from families with children entering Pre-K to determine what early childhood services students have received prior to entering Pre-K.
  • The Oklahoma State Department of Education should collaborate further with the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness and other state agencies to develop and present a plan to the State Legislature for an Early Childhood Integrated Data System.
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